The ASCENT project Excel-based Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) tool for DATs allow users to estimate the overall cost of adopting Digital Adherence Technologies (DATs) including Medication Sleeves, Video Supported Treatment, and Smart Pill Boxes. Users can plan and budget for the adoption and scale-up of DATs according to specified numbers of facilities/patients, average treatment duration, and mix of DAT products used. The tool quantifies both capital and operating expenditures, enabling users to develop a holistic estimate of costs over the lifetime of a DAT. This tool takes into account the most current data available from DAT manufacturers and country TB programs, and will be updated when appropriate.
The tool is made up of three tabs for the user, which can be navigated to via the tabs at the bottom of the screen or the buttons on the top right.
- User Guide
The User Guide tab has general information about the tool. It includes background, a description of CAPEX and OPEX costs, an overview of the other tabs, a glossary of key terms, and disclaimers and acknowledgments. Instructions for the use of the tool in this tab should be read carefully and can be referred back to at anytime. - Data Inputs
In the Data Inputs the user can enter general information about the country, number of facilities and patients, select DATs and set parameters for their adoption - Plan and Budget
The Plan and Budget tab allows the user to review the costs associated with the chosen DAT product mix and scale-up schedule. It also shows expected DAT procurement quantities required.
Last update of this tool: V6 November 10, 2020