Results from Ethiopia reflect the usability and acceptability of DATs by TB care providers and people with TB, indicating the potential for wider adoption of DATs to support the TB care cascade throughout the region.
Highlights and key messages from the ASCENT project at the Union
The unveiling of the ASCENT study results at the Union 2023 in Paris marked a crucial turning point in the approach to TB treatment, and in the case of ASCENT, the potential future of DATs.
ASCENT: Five years of transformative impact to support tuberculosis treatment
With the idea of empowering people through Digital Adherence Technology (DAT), the ASCENT proeject has proven to be a game-changer in the realm of TB treatment and care.
Preparing for The Union World Conference on Lung Health 2023
After five years of dedication and tireless effort, the ASCENT Project team is gearing up for a significant milestone—the Union World Conference on Lung Health 2023, set to be held in Paris.